Your Baby

In the eighth month of pregnancy, your baby is looking more like a newborn. While your baby may have hair atop his or her head and full-length fingernails, the extra weight he or she will put on this month is important to their development. The brain and nervous system are really beginning to develop during the eighth month of pregnancy. Your baby’s movements are strong and regular. You may even notice your baby having hiccups from time to time. At the eighth month, your baby opens and closes their eyes. By the end of this month of pregnancy, your baby will be between sixteen and eighteen inches long, and will weigh four or more pounds.

Your Body

Starting in the eighth month of pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may want to begin having more frequent prenatal appointments. Your growing baby pushes your uterus upward, which may cause achiness and shortness of breath. Pain in the back, abdomen, and pelvis is common during the eighth month of pregnancy. As your baby continues to move down into the pelvis, you may have to make even more trips to the bathroom. Heartburn and constipation may worsen during the eighth month. You may feel and even see your baby’s feet and elbows moving around your stomach. It is common for Braxton-Hicks contractions to continue and become stronger throughout the eighth month of pregnancy.

Your Emotions

Many women are feeling weary at the eighth month of pregnancy. You may become discouraged if you can’t continue all of your normal activities, but it is important to get your rest in these last few weeks. Use this time to read a book or organize all of those adorable baby clothes. Taking a relaxing walk may help you stay active without exerting yourself. During the eighth month of pregnancy, it is normal to feel eager to meet your baby and be done with pregnancy, and at the same time, you may be experiencing uncertainty about childbirth and parenthood. Make sure you talk about these concerns with someone you trust who can offer you support.