Experiencing thrush at any time can be an uncomfortable experience. Pregnancy can intensify these feelings for many women. Unfortunately, women who are pregnant are ten times more likely to experience thrush.

One out of three women have the Candida albicans fungus present in their vagina. Candida is a fungus that ordinarily lives inside the digestive track. This ‘bad’ bacteria is usually kept under control by ‘good’ bacteria. However, lifestyle factors, antibiotics, diet, and lack of exercise can cause the number of ‘bad’ bacteria to grow. When this occurs, thrush is one of the many symptoms that result.

What Are The Symptoms of Thrush in Pregnancy?

The indications of thrush in pregnancy can be quite varied. While some women will experience a variety of quite painful and irritating symptoms, for others the symptoms of thrush may be limited to slight discomfort while urinating. Here are the most common symptoms of thrush.

• A thick vaginal discharge
• Itchiness and irritation of the vagina
• A burning sensation when urinating
• Pain during sex
• Pain while showering

Why Do I Get Thrush When I’m Pregnant?

Many women will experience the onset of thrush during their pregnancy. The body steps up its production of glycogen, a form of glucose. This drops the level of acidity in the vagina, making it a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Other Contributors to Thrush in Pregnancy

There are many other factors that can contribute to the occurrence of thrush. If you are pregnant, minimizing these other factors in your life can help you to eliminate the symptoms of thrush:

• Some multivitamins
• Stress
• Antibiotics
• Radiation
• Drugs that affect hormone levels
• A diet high in sugar

Wearing underwear and clothes that allow your skin to breathe can also be effective in eliminating thrush in pregnancy. For instance, choosing cotton materials can help. Including some foods like natural yogurt in your diet can also help.

Preventing Thrush in Pregnancy

Taking a daily pro-biotic is the best way to beat thrush in pregnancy. You can buy these either in a powdered form or as a refrigerated drink that tastes a bit like yogurt. A pro-biotic will increase the amount of good bacteria in your body, outnumbering the bad bacteria and keeping them under control. When this happens, the symptoms of thrush are less likely to occur.

Treatment for Thrush in Pregnancy

If you are experiencing thrush during pregnancy, the first step is to speak to your doctor or health professional about it. There are many over-the-counter creams and oral tablets you can take for thrush, but not all of these are suitable for pregnant women. Speak to a medical professional first to find out which treatment is right for you.