Can women overeat during pregnancy? This is something most expectant mothers don’t even consider. After all a pregnant woman needs to eat. She’s not just feeding herself anymore; she’s eating for two or in some cases more.

Many women that are well into their pregnancy may become stressed over the amount of weight they have gained. I gained quite a bit of weight with my first child. In fact, I weighed one hundred and five pounds before I got pregnant and when I was ready to deliver I weighed one hundred and forty eight pounds. I had gained a total of forty-three pounds. Every time I waddled past a mirror I wanted to cry. I couldn’t see my feet and my legs were swollen. I didn’t think I’d ever fit in my clothes again. But don’t despair. Don’t let my story scare you. After giving birth I lost the weight quicker than I thought I would and I did manage to get back in my clothes.

It may take a little time to lose weight after having a baby but that certainly doesn’t mean that you won’t lose it. Let your expectations be realistic and don’t rush it. Once you give birth to your child, don’t make losing weight an immediate priority. Allow your body time to heal and recuperate. Eat healthy, exercise and you’ll get back down to size. Even if you were a bit overweight before you became pregnant, take your time and work at losing the weight gradually. Losing too much weight too fast can make you ill and you need to be healthy to properly care for your baby. It is important that you maintain your health by eating nutritious food throughout your pregnancy and after.

So how much weight should you gain during your pregnancy? Twenty five to thirty pounds is usually considered average. This can vary depending on the individual and the pregnancy. Doctors may also have different opinions on the average proper weight gain but it is usually close to this range. Some women may gain a little more. It is natural for a woman who is expecting a multiple birth such as in the case of twins to gain more weight. Insufficient weight gain may result in low birth weight of the infant. Excessive weight gain has its disadvantages as well and could cause health problems for the mother. Your physician will let you know if he or she feels you are gaining too little or too much. Expectant mothers should try to avoid eating a lot of junk food. Most junk foods just contain an abundance of empty calories but lack any real nutritional value. Pregnant women should put forth a real conscious attempt to eat healthy nutritious foods rather than to just eat.

The largest portion of weight is gained during the final months of pregnancy, the third trimester. This is the time when women may experience backache, fatigue and aching legs. The additional weight can cause swollen ankles and even varicose veins so expectant mothers should get plenty of rest since they may tend to tire more easily. An increase in weight can result in increased blood pressure. Women who have a history of high blood pressure should follow all instructions given by their physician, keep their diet healthy and rest as often as needed. Treat yourself to a nap whenever you can because as you may already know, infants can make sleep a much-needed necessity.